Dust, seeds, and flowers

I stopped to stare and take in all that my child is today. That which I often overlook- the innocence of today; the unknown of what tomorrow holds. I think of all the potential inside, waiting to flourish, to serve the Lord above all else,  God-willing. How delicate is life in the womb. Anything can be for that soul, so infinite the possibilities! As Catholics, it is our duty to invest in our youth, both those clearly in front of us as well as the unborn. We must be there to teach and guide what is just. I pray my children will find the Lord's narrow way, striving for only Him and that which is eternal, rather than the distractions of this only temporary world. 
Meanwhile, many adults, myself included, struggle with humility. I shouldn't have to do this or that, I've worked too hard, I'm more important than that. And others, the opposite, wrestling with self-confidence. I'm not good enough. I'm a nobody. The mustard seed parable reminds us of the significance of littleness. Something small has the greatest potential of growth, ultimately, into something magnificent. This is one of the most common themes of the Bible. Being asked to Go forth and proclaim the Kingdom, we begin as a speck of dust but have infinite power to grow, all because of God's grace.

"The good God does not need years to accomplish His work of love in a soul; one ray from His Heart can, in an instant, make His flower bloom for eternity"… - St Therese of Lisieux


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