Matthew 22:15-21

There is a bible verse on my calendar for the current month that states, "Where your treasure is, there your heart will also be" (Matthew 6:21). The "treasures" of Earth fade and pass away eventually. 

In today's Gospel, we encounter the Herodians and Pharisees joining together against Christ. The treasure in this case, a coin, had the image of Caesar as a deity. 
While notoriously at odds with one another, in this case, the Herodians and Pharisees do have something very much in common: a love of the things of this world. Their priorities are their law and traditions, and love for those outside their ways is set aside.
Many times I must admit I also mistakenly get distracted erroneously. We must over and over ask, Am I of this world or of the Kingdom? Do we belong to our selfish pride, or dedicate every last breath to God alone? The penny that may have at one point seemed to have so much value quickly became worthless. So too with all the status and fame one derives from fortune and reputation.
Remarkably Christ teaches, to give to Caesar what is Caesar's- the money, the worldly possessions, and to God, what is God's. Give to God what is God's. WE ourselves are created in the image and likeness of God. Not much has changed in today's world where our priorities are again often misled. As parents we often concentrate on our reputation in the workplace, or financial status, rather than our time with those God has entrusted to us. Christ reminds us that true disciples do not find themselves belonging to the chains of money and possession but to God alone. 


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