In the twilight of our lives, we will be judged based on how we loved. - St John of the Cross.


In the twilight of our lives, we will be judged based on how we loved. - St John of the Cross. 

How do you treat others? Do you take for granted those closest to you? Do you open your eyes to strangers in need, or look the other way?

I know for myself I am extremely sensitive to criticism. It can be so hard to be around those who have hurt or offended me. Forgiveness is perhaps the most difficult of Christ's teachings to follow in my daily life. And yet, as a Christian, we will be known by our ability to forgive. To truly love one another as Christ has loved us, we must set ourself apart from the rest of the world. As we are all in the Kingdom, we need to figure out how to get along with each other - we will be spending eternity together after all! 

We will be judged one day on how we loved. On love alone. Ultimately we have to ask ourselves, Did we show up? Did we say, "Here I am", to those who needed us? As Abraham, Moses, Samuel, and others said "Here I am to God", did we show the same to readiness to being there to serve those who are in our lives? Christ teaches us that the greatest commandment is to love God with all your heart, all your mind, all your soul, all your being, through love for one another. The good shepherd will give up his life for his sheep.

If God were to call me now, in this very instant, would I be ready to die? How have I shown love? Have I made those around me feel valued and loved?
God will ask us how much we gave of ourselves. Were we were able to overcome our own egoism? 

Let us reflect on how we treat both strangers as well as those closest to us.

God, soften my heart. Set us free from the bondage of refusing to forgive and serve one another.


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