
Showing posts from January, 2024

Consider the "God-wink"

I often have difficulty sleeping at night. I use this as an opportunity to have God speak to me. Insomnia can be a scary and unsettling occurrence. But in what one may think is a misstep, often it will later be found that circumstances were exactly how God meant for it to be. We must go where God wants us and listen to His nudges. A trusted friend has coined the term the "God-wink", when occurrences happen for a reason or another and we are cognizant to realizing it is God's intervention. Right now, I cannot sleep particularly because I have nasal congestion. Often I would get frustrated or disheartened. Yet I am so overdue for prayer and a conversation with God, such a cold becomes a good thing. And this post is so overdue, that it works out, because by my time in writing with the silence surrounding me, I can finally be aware of God's presence. God, I need assistance, in finding patience and strength. In remembering you should be my single priority, and through this

We are not of this World

I have always been a very sensitive person, afraid of what one might think if I say or do something that is incongruent with other's perspectives. I get easily offended if someone says something badly of me, carrying the negative encounters with me often for days on end. In a world filled with pressures of social media and constant to-do lists, unrealistic expectations of oneself easily accumulate. Loneliness and despair are real demons in our world today. So often we hear of one's battles with depression or anxiety. In the United States, suicide is the second leading cause of death in young people. It is so easy to be distracted by problems of today's worldliness: are we not attractive enough, successful, or financially well-off?  As our Lord Jesus humbled himself to becoming a little child, to being a servant toward His Church, we must remember no servant is greater than His master.  As Christians, we are called to be humble, which reminds us we are not entitled to comfor

Peace be with you!

Come ,  Holy   Spirit ,  fill  the  he arts  of your  faithful  and  enkindle  in them the  fire  of your  love . Send forth your spirit,  Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created,  and you shall renew the face of the earth.  O God, who have taught the hearts of the faithful  by the light of the Holy Spirit,  grant that in the same Spirit we may be truly wise  and ever rejoice in his consolation.  Through Christ our Lord. Amen. Chapter 20 of the Gospel of John emphasizes Peace and the Holy Spirit abiding in us. Christ's first word following His death is "Peace".  I do not find that I am naturally a peaceful person. I tend to get easily distracted and upset by life not being "fair". Or agitated when things do not go exactly as I had planned. I am flawed.  Yet so much greater than this is that I am also loved. Above all else, Christ has laid down his life for me.   I owe it to do my best to try to find an inner peace.  It is often a battle. My mind racing