
Showing posts from April, 2023

In the twilight of our lives, we will be judged based on how we loved. - St John of the Cross.

  In the twilight of our lives, we will be judged based on how we loved. - St John of the Cross.  How do you treat others? Do you take for granted those closest to you? Do you open your eyes to strangers in need, or look the other way? I know for myself I am extremely sensitive to criticism. It can be so hard to be around those who have hurt or offended me. Forgiveness is perhaps the most difficult of Christ's teachings to follow in my daily life. And yet, as a Christian, we will be known by our ability to forgive. To truly love one another as Christ has loved us, we must set ourself apart from the rest of the world. As we are all in the Kingdom, we need to figure out how to get along with each other - we will be spending eternity together after all!  We will be judged one day on how we loved. On love alone. Ultimately we have to ask ourselves, Did we show up? Did we say, "Here I am", to those who needed us? As Abraham, Moses, Samuel, and others said "Here I am to Go

Come, Holy Spirit

 God's greatest gift to a mother is that of her child. In Spanish, I was taught the phrase "dar la luz", or "to give light", for when a mother delivers her child into the world. This image of having a light within me, being the child in my womb, is also a great visual for life in the Spirit. As Jesus is the Light of the World, we share in His glorious Light when we are with child. What joy! Similarly, just as the strong gush of wind blew into the Upper room, as His breath of fresh life, we must continue boldly sharing Christ's love onto others. The Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) notes parents have responsibility to bear witness and educate in the virtues of Christ from as early an age to their child as able. The CCC also defines the Holy Spirit as, (CCC 733) "God's love poured into our hearts", its fruits being (CCC 736) "love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control." Who will be calle