
Showing posts from July, 2023

The Humility of the Holy Family

  The Humility of the Holy Family Dec 18, 2022 7:00:00 AM  |  by  Alexis Dallara-Marsh Alexis Dallara-Marsh reflects on the humility and virtues of the Holy Family. It is fitting to always reflect on the virtues of the Holy Family, but particularly so during Advent. In a modern-day world that prides itself on fame and power, the simple humility exemplified by Joseph, Mary, and Jesus cannot hold more relevance. Joseph was a "just man and unwilling to put her to shame." How quick most are to point fingers in order to protect their own self-dignity. It helps to call to mind the Litany of Humility, which asks Christ Jesus to deliver us from a fear of being humiliated, despised, ridiculed, or wronged. The Holy Family is the epitome of this prayer, as we see each—Joseph, Mary, and the baby Jesus—set aside love of oneself and in place, reflect the glory of God. How can you embrace the Humility of the Holy Family in your everyday life? Joseph was a "just man and unwilling to put

A Living Example of Christ

  A most blessed Feast of the Ascension to you, brothers and sisters! Today we see that in the   final chapter of Luke's Gospel ,   immediately prior to His glorious ascent, Jesus reminds us we are never alone. Foreshadowed by verse 49, Jesus promises to send the power of the Holy Spirit to His disciples. I think sometimes the Holy Spirit can be more of a mystery for us than the Father or Son, whom Scripture offers far more guidance on. Yet the significance of the final component of the Most Holy Trinity must not be overlooked. It is through the Spirit that we can partake in God's Kingdom. The final verses of Luke's Gospel note the great joy of the Apostles, continuously in the Temple blessing God. Having an active responsibility as Christians, we each have an individual duty to continue to carry Christ's teachings on in today's age. Pope Benedict XVI noted, Every person carries within himself [herself], a project of God, a personal vocation, a personal idea of God,

Matthew 11:25-30: Come to me all who are weary

  Today's Gospel:  Matthew 11:25-30 “The Church is a home and family for everyone, especially those who ‘labor and are heavy laden’. ” St. John Paul II,  Familiaris Consortio , 85 In today’s Gospel, Jesus describes himself as “gentle and lowly in heart.” Humility is one of the most defining qualities of a Christian. Part of being humble includes the ability to ask for help at times. I have always struggled with this. It has been particularly challenging as I have gotten older and felt I should be more and more self-reliant. This is probably why the Kingdom of God is thought then more accessible to little ones - the infants or babes, who, with their simple faith, are more dependent on God. One must be always drawn to Him, heart and soul. At nighttime however, when all becomes quiet, it is clear how restless my soul becomes for You, O Lord. The sufferings and heaviness of my own heart can become more apparent once the distractions are cleared away. I am only able to find peace once I