Storing Treasure in Heaven / Ahorrando el Tesoro en el Cielo 9 25 22
SEPTEMBER 25, 2022 Storing Treasure in Heaven / Ahorrando el Tesoro en el Cielo Click here for daily readings “Though our Lord Jesus Christ was rich, he became poor, so that by his poverty you might become rich.” Particularly in this generation’s society, we tend to center ourselves around instant gratification. Tempted by the allure of the newest modern trends that money can buy us on Amazon with a click of the mouse. Yet most are afraid or ignorant of what to expect after death. Today’s reading advises us of the Heavenly treasures that we can expect only if we are not first distracted by false riches we may be exposed to here on Earth. Food, material possessions and earthly comforts are temporary, whereas reliance on Christ provides for eternal salvation. Those who by worldly standards are considered first today will be last tomorrow in Christ’s second coming. As Christians, we must ask ourselves if we take the time to tend to those most in need. We must live in service to...