
Panis Angelicus / Bread of Angels [submit Diocesan]

Panis Angelicus / Bread of Angels Music is a way to express emotion when words are otherwise limited. As I have always found prayer difficult, I've been trying to better develop my relationship with God through various aids. One recent example is investing in Piano classes for my children, with the hope that this will later result in a skillset they can use to praise God.  Have you ever stopped to take in just how important music is in the Church? How many beautiful hymns you can recall word by word?  Panis Angelicus is one of my favorite hymns about the Eucharist. I remember growing up listening to the version by then 10-year-old Charlotte Church. In English, the hymn is translated as "The Bread of Angels", and originates from a longer hymn by  Saint  Thomas Aquinas  for the  feast of Corpus Christi , the feast of the Body of Christ.  Bread of Angels,  made the bread of men; The Bread of heaven  puts an end to all symbols: A thing wonderful! The Lord becomes our food:  p

Here I am, Lord / Aquí Estoy, Señor

  SEPTEMBER 10, 2023 “In the twilight of our lives, we will be judged based on how we loved.” – St John of the Cross.  How do you treat others? Do you take for granted those closest to you? Do you open your eyes to strangers in need, or look the other way? I know for myself I am extremely sensitive to criticism. It can be so hard to be around those who have hurt or offended me. Forgiveness is perhaps the most difficult of Christ’s teachings to follow in my daily life. And yet, as a Christian, we will be known by our ability to forgive. To truly love one another as Christ has loved us, we must set ourselves apart from the rest of the world. Since we are all part of the Kingdom, we need to figure out how to get along with each other – after all, we will be spending eternity together!  One day we will be judged  on how we loved. On love alone. Ultimately we have to ask ourselves, “Did I show up? Did I say, ‘Here I am’, to those who needed me?” As Abra

Tackling Envy

  Tackling Envy Feb 2, 2023 I must admit, I get envious a lot. Since I was a young child, I always struggled with wanting things fair, but really, so that they were in my favor. It affected me being a good sister to my younger siblings, because I always wanted to come up on top. I recognize now how much kinder I wish I had been as a child. And still today, many years later, it's not that I want badness for others, but when I see something I wish I had, I (naturally) desire it. For example, I was triggered just now seeing a childhood best friend having given birth to twins. How selfish of me to, rather than feel genuinely happy for her, honestly wish that it was me instead, even though I already have multiple other children, one of whom just turned six months. I recognize how many blessings I have, and yet it is so natural for me to have these feelings of "why not me, why not more?" The ongoing pangs of being a sinner. So today I sought to combat this inherent weakness tha

The Joy of the Resurrection - APRIL 8, 2023

APRIL 8, 2023 The Joy of the Resurrection / La Alegría de la Resurrección Click here for daily readings How do you begin to describe with words the joy in the Resurrection scene? There probably aren’t any ways in spoken language to capture the raw emotion Mary Magdalene must have felt at the sight of the risen Messiah. Exuberance? Exhilaration? Jubilation? And to think, this is God’s free gift to us! He created us so that we could share in this feeling with Him.  I imagine His radiant light, shining warmth, yet cooling peace.  His infinite, abounding love is what we must strive for, today and always!  While this life may be at times filled with sadness, and eventual death, to be born to life with Him for Eternity, we must recognize that today’s world will only exist for a mere instant! Our choice to participate in Christ’s sweet love will then allow us to take part in such bliss. The resurrection is the good Lord’s fulfillment to us, and central to our Catholic faith.  As Christ has de

Pitter-patter sounds in my heart

Pitter-patter sounds in my heart. There has been a lot of time to reflect these past few weeks. It’s been extraordinarily stressful times to say the least. For me, one of the ways I best cope is my alone time, where I can sit back and process my experiences. Today, I wonder how have I contributed to the state of affairs in our society as a whole. Growing up, I cared so much about what others thought. Like many, I was brought up that interracial relationships were frowned upon. In finally entering one after many years of friendship with my now-husband, I recall remarking how the color of his darker skin didn’t matter to me. We were together because of our love for each other and that was all that mattered. But I was wrong. His skin color  does  matter because it is part of what makes him who he is. Rather than ignoring it, I need to recognize him for  all of who he is . Only by doing this can I truly know what love is. This is the same for our children. If I deny their background,

You Raise Me Up

“ There is a lad here who has five barley loaves and two fish; but what are they among so many?” (Jn 6:9) What will you bring to the table? Music has often helped enhance my memory through catchy tunes.  A favorite song of mine is "You Raise Me Up".  I was surprised to find that what I thought was such a time and tested hymn has only been around for a little over 20 years. Its message offers so many lessons; particularly , with God's help, we can achieve the infinite.  "When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary When troubles come and my heart burdened be Then, I am still and wait here in the silence Until You come and sit awhile with me." ( Songwriters: Brendan Graham / Rolf Loevland;  You Raise Me Up lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Ab) We often think our efforts are not enough. Who am I, amongst all the pristine social media profiles advertising "success stories" of the famous and wealthy?  The young boy offering his five loaves and two fish may b


GOD, GRANT ME THE COURAGE TO BE A WATCHMAN Click here for daily readings Today’s first reading is a struggle – warning others, speaking out against faults and wrongdoings, being brave rather than cowardly. I have always been one who prefers shying away from confrontation. There is so much to be overwhelmed by in today’s world: from politics and racial tensions to the sick and the poor, it is much easier to look the other way and ignore all the injustices and wrongdoings surrounding us. When I was younger, I would toss and turn at night over worries such as being rejected by a crush. I would never put myself out there. Not in a million years. To this day, even with my closest loved ones, I frequently struggle with the same fears of rejection. This is not the least evident in my religious faith. Wearing a t-shirt with a faith-based message, or reminding my family about our Sunday obligation, I struggle with accepting it if I’m laughed at or ridiculed. While having the courage to speak up